Guest post!

Hey faithful readers!

Today we have a special guest from Jessica! We now you will love her blog, so be sure to check it out!

So, without further ado, here is Jessica’s guest post!


It’s hard to be a young person in this world. Not only are there temptations and attacks from without, but there’s also temptations and
attacks from within; sometimes we are our own worst enemy.
Often subconsciously, we listen to the lies all around us, and tear ourselves down. I know you’ve experienced it; we all do. So I’d like to encourage you with five facts:

You are uniquely special. There is only one of you, and God had so much fun forming you. He carefully thought about each little detail, the colour of your eyes, your height, and the shape of your nose. Sometimes it’s easy to think badly about ourselves: “I’m so ugly, just look at my nose!” But remember, God made you just the way you are, and He never ever makes mistakes.

You are gifted with amazing talents. Everyone is talented in some area. Don’t discredit yourself, or look at others and think “I’m not smart enough,” or, “I could never be that good.” You are smart and you are good at things, although they may be different to the things others are talented at. Always keep on in the things you enjoy and are good at, and they will improve. Don’t doubt yourself; believe that with God, you can.

God has a plan for your life. No, not in a controlling way; you still have entire freedom to make the choices you want. But sometimes it’s overwhelming: what should I do? It might be just something simple about what to do over the weekend, or it might be, as it is for me, what to do now that I’m (almost) finished school. But God has a special plan for every single one of us. He has great things ahead for you. Pray, and trust; God cares, and He will help you.

You can overcome. Guess what? We’re all human, which means we all make mistakes. We make silly mistakes, and we make large devastating mistakes. It’s easy to think God must think we’re too small to bother with, or our mistakes are too large for Him to forgive. But that’s not true! God cares about you so much, He wants to forgive you, and with Him, you can grow, overcome desires to do wrong, and become a better person.

You are loved. If you get nothing else out of this, remember this: you are loved. You’re loved by your family and friends, and God loves you too. And His love in infinite; it never ends. He can never stop loving you. Just think, the same God who dreamt up the stars, hung the planets in space, coloured the butterflies, and designed the flowers, made you, and He loves you forever.

Life gets hard sometimes, and it’s easy to feel discouraged. It’s easy to feel alone and defeated. But I just wanted to remind you, that God is real, and He cares about you. Next time you’re feeling a little down, remember there’s nothing too hard for God, put your chin up, and press on. You are a precious person, with an amazing life ahead of you, backed by an all-powerful God.


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